Thursday 21 February 2013



For those who are reading this,

Are you one of those people who roll their eyes when they see most movies depicting a stereotypical high school. I mean seriously? Is that how the adult population sees us? Girly and gingerly or black and gloomy? Tom boyish or Nerd? Can't we be girly and tom boyish? I'm a little girly but that doesn't stop me from being so lazy that I don't do my legs for weeks and just grow the hair out. And I finish my homework but I'm so into Gothic horror (not vampire stuff people, there is more to it... I swear the likes of a certain non emotional character has spoiled this genre for the whole freakin' world) that I seriously thought about trying out the whole straight hair and black nail paint thing. I do black nail paint but I don't like straight hair (or maybe I do... haven't made up my mind about it). I think the lines between all these stereotypes are become hazy day by day and then suddenly you would find someone who is a little of everything. 

If you agree with me then do leave comments... I wanna know if it's only me or is there someone else out there who thinks stereotypes are overrated? Even if you don't agree please tell me why because in my side of the world (India) things aren't really bad in High school.

Are you one of them or all of them?

PS: My first blog... do tell if I fared well.

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